So not much going on today besides IV antibiotics and some good time in the play room. And a visit from Kathy and Baby Isaac! Kathy you are so sweet! She brought a bunch of toys over for Drew to play with and then sat with him while Dan and I took our third break outside of the hospital together in 27 days. We just headed over to the shopping center and got a snack, but it was nice to be alone together even for a little while. It was funny though when we were leaving and I said to the nurse, "this is my friend from the internet that I just met yesterday. She's going to stay with Drew." She looked at me like "really?!"
After dressing change this morning Drew played at preschool for a while. Then rode his bike around a little bit. He ate a great lunch of pizza then went to the play room for a while and played with trains and made some buttons. We went to see the train and played a game by the fountain. He hung out with Kathy and watched a movie and colored in the giant coloring book she brought him. He ate an awesome dinner of stuffed shells then went and played some more! They had pet therapy again today and there were 7 dogs and 2 rabbits! I forgot to bring my camera but they did take some polaroids that we got to keep.
The dressing change this evening went well and we measured the wound again and it is now only .5 cm deep, which means it is healing! Here is a picture:
I'm not a doctor, but the wound looks MUCH better! I am always amazed at how your attitude stays so positive despite how you must often feel. Keep it up, it really matters. I am out of town until Sunday, but will still be checking into your blog and saying prayers for comfort and healing.
Love, Christa
well...i was hoping you'd have some news! i can imagine how anxious YOU are. drew looks too darn cute with HIS clothes on and HIS shoes too! just come home already-sheesh! we all miss you guys and we KNOW you miss home, your routine and your normal life. just know that God is using you and working through you there at LPCH. He's molding you and shaping you to be the woman of God that He has planned for you to be. you're drew's best mommy and my hero. we're all learning and growing in our faith thru your experience. much love to you, dan, drew and little miss ava.
oh and i meant to ask you what board game you guys are playing in the courtyard? something with dogs? i've never seen that. since all of drew's pet therapy with the dogs, are the dinosaurs history? (no pun intended ha!)
all you need is LOVE,
I agree that the incision looks so much better, not that I really know anything! I think your comment about Kathy is so funny. The nurses probably thought you were crazy leaving Drew with someone you just met! If only they knew the history you share...Please let us know as soon as you are able to chat with Dr. Hanley. Still praying for good news...
the incision looks so! much! better! man, that is really awesome. and making buttons?? like shirt buttons or political buttons? sounds cool. have fun w/the ladies tomorrow; i'm jealous! see you soon loves.
Yah... my non-medical brain thinks that the incision definitely looks better. Little wisps of hope are a good thing. Hope you get your consult with Dr. Hanley today. You guys are doing a great job!
Andrea- my friend Tracy, who works as a Child Life Specialist w/ Siri, Sara and Erica, asked if you might look into having Drew moved to Sutter as the surgeon who assisted on Drew's surgery is there and could monitor things. She said being closer to home, and having a whole team of Child Life Specialists who love your kid might make a huge difference! DOn't know if it is possible, but thought I'd pass that along. I know you asked about transfer to UCD, so I don't know if this would be any different. I guess I just want to have you guys home, or at least closer to home ASAP!!!
PS- Drew's incision doesn't look so angry anymore, that's great!
I agree that his incision looks much better! (Not that I know much) We're praying that God will use Dr. Hanley to come up with a great treatment plan and hope that you get to be home soon.
Still in our prayers,
Jennifer (& Kaya)
Hang in there! I'm sure you're so very frustrated that they haven't given you a course of action yet. Maybe God's plan was that you were supposed to meet, befriend and grow closer to Kathy! What an amazing woman to step in and help and give you guys the break you deserve!! Sounds like you might be good support for one-another! Stay strong, have faith and continue to advocate for your little boy!!
Drew's incision looks so much better! You are doing a fantastic job taking care of it.
After talking to Dr. Mainwaring, he is willing to take over Drew's care at Sutter Memorial(as you know)and I am here (untill Monday) to help you in anyway I can.
Remember to look at Dr. Hanley with those thoughtful eyes and I am sure he won't be able to say "no".
thanking God for: the incision truly looking much better, your break with Dan away from the hospital, more and more information each day about the next steps, visitors/friends that lift your spirits, and your PEACE in the midst of it all. love you guys, Kacie
Hi -
My name is Suzie and I am a friend of your Dad's in Simi Valley. He has updated me and I have been reading your postings. Just wanted to tell you I am praying for Drew and will have you all in my thoughts.
Suzie Morrison
This has been a much rockier road than anyone could have expected. Poor Baby Drew and you guys too. Incision is looking better. If the infection is walled off that is better than if it were running free(a small blessing)but makes it difficult for antibiotics to penetrate. My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. Great Grandma always said Time heals all wounds. She was always right.
Love, Aunt Marie
Praying of course
As I was tucking Megan in last night, she really wanted to pray for Drew. We prayed (and are praying) for strength, comfort, encouragement, and for a Healing from the GREAT HEALER!!
We love you and hope you are able to keep your spirits up and your trust in the Lord!!
Love, Beth
You and your family are being lifted up in tremendous prayer and I know that God has his loving, protecting, huge arms around you and your family. You and Dan are incredible, not to mention your little superhero Drew! The incision does llok better and I hope that the doctors will consult with you asap. I know what it's like to wait for more status reports! Love to you all, Natalie Conrad
Oooo, the incision looks waaaaay better. I'll keep good thoughts about Drew and your family as you wait for Dr. Hanley's opinion/plan. Hang in there.
Heart mom in Oakland,
Drew looks amazing...I hope the "plan" is whatever is easiest on you and Drew!
We're in 3east, 3211...but, I have one grumpy pants on my hands. Maybe he'll let me put him in the wagon tomorrow and we'll take a walk down the hall....geez..the drama!
Hope you guys get some sleep tonight!
The wound is looking SO much better! The pictures of you outside are beautiful. What a gorgeous family.
I wish I could of seen the look on that nurses face when you told her about Kathy. I feel so close to all of you ladies and we have never met. I would leave my daughter with any of you....isn't it funny!
Hi there,
We've followed Drew's blog alot since we also have a DiGeorge child (Brynlyn) and we always appreciate reading info about other families that are going through similar things to us. I was blown away when I saw how many days you guys have been in the hospital so far. Wow! You are ALL such troopers and your attitudes are so great about this. I know you probably have down time when things are not so good, but overall you guys are doing great. Hang in there! We will also be praying for Drew and for a quick recovery from his incision infection. What a scary thing, but Drew seems so strong that he'll be able to fight this off for sure.
I just wanted you to know that you and your family and Drew are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless!
Susie Jensen
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