Drew and his heart buddy Casey
Later that night, still wearing our CHF shirts at the ER
Our family's story of living with a CHD and choosing to live life to the fullest
Drew and his heart buddy Casey
Later that night, still wearing our CHF shirts at the ER
JT bringing sexy back to SacTown
Last night I got to go to the Justin Timberlake concert with a couple of friends. The show was awesome and just what I needed! It was great to have something to look forward to after our rough couple of days in the hospital and at home. We also had great tickets on the floor and we were so close to the stage! It was totally worth the aching feet and back we had after it was over (are we getting old?).I love you Justin!
If you look between the screens, you can see Timbaland
Drew also had a much better night last night. Dan said he was coughing a lot early in the night, but was able to get some of the junk out of his chest, which I'm sure helped a lot. He slept so well last night without coughing that I had to get up to check on him and make sure he was still breathing. He was having trouble breathing this morning around 6 but we took care of it with another breathing treatment and we have another appointment this morning for the doctor to check him. He seems a lot better this morning! So it was a great night all around!
Drew and his buddy Jacob are in the same class
Jacob and Drew during circle time