Sunday, was probably my favorite day in Haiti. We got to attend church with the Manassero Family and all the kids at Port au Prince Fellowship. The church was packed with people and there was no air conditioning, but a few fans blew air through the building. We sat up front, in the first two rows. After we all sat down, we were excited to see all the MDL kids coming up to sit in the front with us. We got to sing worship songs with them. It was the most amazing experience. I don’t think I can describe it. We were singing praises to God with children who had incredibly difficult life experiences—and they sang out with all their hearts, really worshipping God. I spent much of our worship time in tears, so grateful to be there among them and experiencing such genuine, authentic faith, even in the face of intense suffering.
It's not a great picture, but the only one I have of church |
The pastor preached a challenging sermon that morning as well. He talked about how good it was for us to help others. He said if we give someone rice, or build them a house, we are doing something good. But there is something better: Sharing the gospel. If we do those things without sharing our hope in Jesus, we are not doing the best thing. It was very good for us to hear as a team.
After church, the sweet Manasseros had us and all their staff over for lunch at their house as they do each Sunday. They had a full house and they filled our bellies with delicious Haitian dishes. We had great conversations with them, their staff and each other.
After lunch and some rest time, we went with all the kids over to a big church in the neighborhood with large open spaces for playing. We brought jumpropes and bubbles to play with the smaller kids, the older girls played soccer and the older boys played basketball. It was such a fun afternoon spent playing and loving on the kids and getting to know them better.
Seriously my favorite day!
My friend Adnaika remembered me. Isn't she the cutest! |
Dave talking Schneider (Ti-Schi) to the church to play |
Rob gives Emmanuel a ride and David gives Wilson a ride |
Ti-you and Stanely on the swings |
A lot of little boys on an ATV (this would never fly in the US) |
Ti-Schi blowing bubbles |
Sweet Richard playing guess who with Rose |
Some jump rope action |
Some of the guys playing basketball |
Some soccer |
Jim and Wilson blowing bubbles |
Peterson and Dawnelle |
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