We had a great weekend at HB 10! The kids were still a little sick, but it was just some runny noses and a little extra whininess. Nothing that playing in the dirt all day, swimming in the lake, and eating yummy camp food couldn't take care of. They both slept well and had a lot of fun playing with the 7 other kids on the trip this year. Every year our organizers, Wes and Anne Marie, order a souvenir for all the campers and this year we got commemorative HB10 shirts with the names of everyone who has ever been on an HB trip on the back. And the kids got cute Lil Camper shirts. Thanks guys! They also had a slide show with pictures from all ten trips. Seeing the slide show made us realize we must continue our tradition!
Dan and I had an agreement that he would be the responsible parent on Friday night and I would be the responsible parent on Saturday night. That enabled me to play a game of 7, 11 or doubles with the crew on Friday. I haven't played that since HB5! Dan played "President" with his friends on Saturday night. It was great to be reunited with old friends and meet the new babies. Congratulations to Bryan and Carolyn who will be able to bring their new baby to HB next year!

Our Family of Campers
HB-the next generation
Sean, Emma, Eben, Owen, Jack, Drew, Ava, Kylee, Brynn
Drew and Kylee playing together

A serious game of 7, 11 or doubles
1. thanks for the link to 7,11,or double. i would've never known what you were talking about!
2. i had to blow up the kids group photo to figure out how the babies were sitting there all on their own.
3. it's a good thing i blew it up because for a second there it looked like you had a 33% success rate of capturing kids with their fingers up their noses!
Glad you had a great time.
Hey, is that my little Rae that I see in the background?
Looks Super Extra Fun.
Glad you had time to unwind. So great that the kids slept well and had fun.
Hoping to talk sometime this week and catch up...
Wow, Bryan "Backstreet" Walker is going to be a Daddy! Yeah for him! Looks like HB 10 was a blast. Hope to make it to another one someday!
That was my thought too! Backstreet Dad? Alright!
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