Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Christmas Celebrations
While we were there Dan and I were lucky enough to get quite a bit of alone time. Every morning we would take a walk to Starbucks to get our morning coffee. We did some shopping at all the great sales. We both got new shoes and found a couple of other deals. We also had a nice date night, enjoying a good meal at a steak house and then walking through downtown Palo Alto. Another night we joined some friends for drinks after the kids were in bed and we even had a chance to get a run in while we were there. It was a really nice vacation! Don't worry the kids had fun too! They got to go the park twice, see the dino show, go to the Children's Musuem & Zoo and play with Grandma and Uncle Scott!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Best Christmas Ever!
The kids slept in until 7:45--a Christmas miracle! Then Drew wanted to go see if Santa had come. He went to wake up Ava and she said "I don't want to say hi to Santa!" We explained that he had just come and left presents and was no longer in the house! She is too funny! When we got to the living room we saw that Santa had left a train around the Christmas tree! Both kids were excited about that! Then they opened their stockings and Santa presents--a big blue dinosaur for Drew and dress up trunk for Ava.
We opened the rest of our presents, with Drew playing Santa. He could figure out who each present was for and brought them to us. Ava was definitely the slowest opener, she preferred to play with each toy after it was opened and would move on to the next present only after she was finished playing. But, since we didn't have to go anywhere, she could! After we finished opening presents we had a yummy Christmas breakfast of scones and fruit. Then we stayed in our jammies all day and just played with all the toys and games. When Ava took her nap Drew got to watch a movie and we all had such a fun, relaxing day. Around 4 I finally got dressed and started cooking our Christmas dinner, ham and potatoes au gratin. It was the most awesome, perfect Christmas that I could have hoped for and made us realize why we wanted to keep our family at home in the first place.
Christmas Eve
Afterwards we all went out to dinner, then looked at some Christmas lights. It was a really fun way to celebrate Christmas with my family since we couldn't be with them on Christmas.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Dear Family and Friends, December 2008
2008 was a roller coaster ride of a year for the Himmelberger family!
Drew continued on at the same preschool where he now attends three mornings per week. He is getting really good at writing all his letters and it seems like he is close to being able to read simple words. We can’t believe that we are the parents of an almost 5-year old who will be starting kindergarten next year! Drew loves to stay busy and will ask every morning where we are going. He likes to make us laugh and has a very tender heart.
Ava started preschool this year at the same school as Drew. She gets to go one day a week and loves every minute of it. She is a very spirited little girl at home but apparently she has the teachers fooled because they think she is an angel. Ava is full of energy, constantly jumping, climbing or dancing. She is also a very compassionate child, always the first one to offer a hug and say “are you ok?” if she sees a friend that is sad or hurt.
Early this year we had an unfortunate break-in and the thieves made off with almost all of our “toys”. They stole our bikes, our bike trailer, our snowboards (Andrea had used hers once) and some other associated gear. Luckily it was all covered by insurance but it was a very scary feeling being violated like that. We have since made some improvements in our security and hopefully we can stay safe from now on.
Drew did have surgery this year in late May at
Andrea has continued her running and competed in the same half marathon as last year, besting her previous time by over a minute per mile! She goes to the gym at least twice a week and usually does a longer run of 6+ miles on the weekend. She enjoys staying home with the kids (well most days she enjoys it!) and keeps a busy schedule with preschool, Community Bible Study and Mom Connection during the week, in addition to being the best wife and mom ever!
Dan continues to work from home as senior project manager for Health Outcomes Group. He enjoys riding his (new) bicycle as much as his schedule will allow and was able to complete two 100 mile rides, both in the
Just after Thanksgiving the whole family made our first trip to
We will be spending Christmas at our house in
We hope this letter finds you happy and healthy and we wish you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous new year.
Love and Blessings,
Dan, Andrea, Drew and Ava Himmelberger
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Party Pictures
Polar Express
My parents came up to take the kids for the evening so we could have a kid-free Christmas party. It was so nice to have them visit and to take the kids off our hands so we could do the last minute party preparations without distraction. We ended up getting some Polar Express tickets so they were able to take the kids to do that Saturday afternoon. From what I hear they had a great time on the train, waved at everyone they saw out the window, listened to the story and even allowed Santa to get close enough for a picture! Then they rang their bells the entire drive to my aunt's house in Sutter Creek, where they all stayed the night! I'm glad they were with the grandparents for that!