I know, that's crazy, everyone's kids get sick at preschool. But Drew's class is very small, he's one of only 9 kids. And the teachers and director are great and are so careful about sickness and letting me know what's going on with the other kids. And I'm staying with him for the first half hour or so, so I can observe for myself and make sure I don't see any signs of illness. I know it sounds crazy, but I just don't want him to miss everything. We were at the mall the other day and he wanted to play in the play area (aka germ incubation zone) and of course I wouldn't let him. He really wanted to and he was crying, and it just broke my heart. It's not fair, but I have to be careful. And this week he had Cookies and Carols, where the whole preschool performs Christmas songs for the parents, and tomorrow is the Happy Birthday Jesus party. How can I make him miss that? I can't. So I will do what I can to keep him healthy without completely living in a bubble. I realize that no matter how careful I am, he may get sick anyway. But I have to at least try.
Anyway, we went to Cookies and Carols tonight and Drew looked so cute. He stood up on the stage with the other kids and...well that's pretty much it. The kid did not sing a word! But I was proud of him for sticking it out and staying up with his class. When we got home he performed the entire program in front of our Christmas tree! I videoed both "performances" and if I can figure out how to download it from the camera I will post it here later.
Cookies and Carols... that is such a cute name!
It looks like a lot of fun!
Your doing a great job Andrea, hang in there!! I am praying for your family!
Good idea Andrea. There's so many germs flying around that even I get nervous!
Drew looks so cute up there with his class! What a big boy!
Stay away as much as you can! We have been so careful, but Andrew and I are both coming down with something. I will love you and your family from afar......
Up here during the cold season it is so bad and stuff goes around so much that when I had both my winter babies the doctors actually strongly advised me to not bring them specifically to WalMart until they were at least two months old or even better older.
This is why I just lockdown the house after a baby is born. Though it didn't do me much good. They both ended up sick in the hospital anyway!
Yay for a May baby!
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