Sunday, December 5, 2010

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches…

Between our very busy (and fun) December schedule plus the fact that there are only three weekends in December before Christmas, we had to plan when we could get our Christmas tree this year. The only day that we could do it was Friday. We have been getting our tree at Costco lately, but we wanted to go to Apple Hill and cut one down this year. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and with all the mud from the pouring rain the last few days we decided to scrap our Apple Hill plans and just go back to Costco. But we still took our tree pictures!

We picked out a beautiful tree and paid probably half of what it would have cost from a tree farm. Drew held onto the tree the whole way home, so it wouldn’t fall out the back of the van.  Once we got it home we noticed that it was very full. Maybe slightly bigger than it looked at the store. Not a problem though, we got it right into it’s spot in the living room. We decorated it over the next few days and it was fun to see each ornament and tell the kids about the meaning behind each one. This year their favorites were the ones they got from our Disneyland trip. Ava’s is Princess Aurora and Drew’s is a Toy Story 3 ornament. My favorite is super cheesey—it’s a plastic ball filled with sand and shells. We got it on our honeymoon in Saint Lucia and I knew it was cheesey when we bought it, but I thought it would always remind us of when we were first married.

 Picking out our perfect tree

 Loading it up...

and decorating it!

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