Look at you Now!
This link is to a youtube video that was made at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. In the spirit of the video here is a look back at Drew four and a half years ago:

And this is him now!
Finally, my list of things I am thankful for. I found my list from last year and thought it was pretty well said, so I'm copying it here and adding a few things.
I am thankful for the time I have with my kids. They are both full of energy, learning so much and so funny! They are both healthy. They are both happy. They are both adorable. I get to stay home and take care of them. I am so lucky.
I am thankful that I have a husband who loves and supports me even when I think I'm not very loveable. He is my safe place. We have fun together. We work hard together. We are a good team. I am so lucky.
I am thankful that we made it through another heart surgery, that we all came out of it a little stronger and bonded a little closer. I am thankful that Drew has more energy than he's ever had in his life, he can run and play and is pink! I am thankful that he may never need another surgery again.
I am thankful for my God, who loves me more than I can understand and is in control of everything. I know that I am learning and growing through my struggles and that my faith is being strengthened. I know that God will redeem my every sorrow. I know that he walks with me through it all. I am so lucky.
I am thankful for my parents who made sacrifices to give me every opportunity. I appreciate the rules they made and the lessons they taught me. They continue to sacrifice, worry about me and love me to this day. They have shown me by example what it means to sacrifice for your children and to love unconditionally. I am so lucky.
I am thankful for my friends. For the friends who can listen to me cry, the ones who can point out the postives, the ones that I can dance with all night long, the ones that I can shop with, the ones that I can just watch TV with, the ones that I can support, the ones who pray for me and the ones who have known me forever. I am so lucky.
I am thankful that we have everything we need. Including good health insurance (a big AMEN!), a perfect house for our little family to live in, enough food to eat, our health, each other. I am thankful for all the wonderful doctors , nurses, therapists, and other heart families we have met.
I am thankful for antibiotics and versed, the heart-lung machine, and Dr. Hanley!