Happy Easter!
This year, things were so busy leading up to Easter, that we didn’t have time to dye eggs until the day before. But I’m glad we found time, because it’s always so fun to do with the kids. We used bright colors and glitter eggs and the kids enjoyed using the magic crayon to write their names or draw pictures on the eggs before we dyed them.
On Easter Morning, we went through our Resurrection Eggs and told the story of Easter. Then we opened our Easter baskets and looked for eggs in the house. We also had some yummy homemade blueberry scones for breakfast, before going to church early to help set-up. We had a really nice morning and heard a great message about the Prodigal Son from our pastor. After church we had an Easter Egg Hunt. The kids really enjoy doing this at church every year and went home with lots of goodies!
Resurrection Eggs |
Ava with her Easter basket |
Drew with his Easter basket |
Finding some eggs that the bunny left |
Ava and Keilani at the church egg hunt |
Drew, Jacob, Ty and Tommy at the church egg hunt |
Ava finding eggs |
Drew finding eggs |
Eben and Drew with their loot |
We celebrated Easter with our good friends, the Quayles again this year. It’s so nice to have friends that are like family! Each family made a contribution to dinner and we had a really nice spread! The kids loved playing together in the backyard and got to do another egg hunt. The adults enjoyed spending time together and we got to play too—we played cornhole! It was such a nice, relaxing holiday. I hope your Easter was just as blessed!
The Quayle Family |
Our Family |
Drew and Ava ready for Egg Hunt #3 |
All the kids ready to look for eggs |
Checking out their baskets |
Our yummy Easter spread |
Ava, Keilani and Molly |
Drew and Jacob |