Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cardiology and Other Appointments

I forgot to mention that we had our follow-up cardiology appointment last Monday. It was a quick appointment, kind of. We did spend a lot of time waiting, but not a lot with the doctor. Anyway, everything seems to be fine with Drew. I hadn't really noticed an increase in endurance or easier breathing so the Dr. felt it was fine to increase the dose of his Sildenafil. He now takes 2.5 ml 3x a day. Our next follow-up appointment is in two months, on August 13.

In the meantime, we have quite the line-up of appointments. It seems we see our specialists about every six months and all the appointments are pretty close together. Here's the schedule:
June 26-Immunology at UCSF
August 6-Dentist
August 13-Cardiology again
Sept. 21-Endocrinology

Actually, after writing them all out like that, they don't seem that close together.

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