Friday, November 26, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a truly wonderful Thanksgiving this year. It had all the elements of a great day of thanks. Dan’s mom and brother were staying with us for the holiday. Thursday morning Dan and I did the Run to Feed the Hungry. This is a 10k run that benefits the Sacramento Food Bank. It has become a family tradition if we are in town for Thanksgiving. There are 3 reasons I love doing this run on Thanksgiving morning. 1. It feels good to be doing something to help those who are less fortunate. 2. There is such a sense of community out there, and I really enjoy the spirit of the morning. 3. I feel so much better starting off the day with some good calorie burning before we indulge in our Thanksgiving feast later that day. This year was no different, although I did have a few moments of hesitation when we got up at 6:30 am and it was 29 degrees outside. Luckily Dan helped me get into the right frame of mind and we did our 6.2 miles together. It didn’t feel SO freezing after the first mile.

After our run, we headed over to my friend Kristina’s house to pack lunches and bags of toiletries for the homeless in downtown Sacramento. This is something Kristina and her family and friends do every Thanksgiving and we were happy to be able to help out this year. Kathy, Scott and the kids met us over there and we all made PB & J sandwiches, packed fruit, chips and snacks into the bags the kids had decorated and then headed downtown to pass out the lunches. I’m so glad that we are able to do things like this with our kids at an early age. It is so important to me to cultivate in them a spirit of serving others.

After passing out lunches to over 75 men and women we headed back home to prepare the turkey for our family gathering. We had ten people at our house for Thanksgiving Dinner and everyone helped out by providing a dish or two or three. The kids had a great time playing with everyone and we all had a good time just enjoying each others company. Every year we go around the table and share what we are thankful for and both kids said “my family and friends.” This year we also had a Thanksgiving trivia quiz with 20 questions and Aunt Marie was the winner with 14 correct answers.

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving celebration with your families.

Ready to Run to Feed the Hungry

One side of our Thanksgiving Table
The other side of our table
Grandma Honey

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